Literature Survey

According to Yusuf Ilu et al. (2014) [1], various age-based criteria, including cognition, literacy, feedback, and focus, were considered in the literature at the time. These elements have been discovered to be essential to creating an application.

MEDiDEN: Automatic Medicine Identification Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network is a mobile application developed by researchers from the Faculty of Engineering at Mahidol University in Thailand. Researchers concentrated on developing solutions for inappropriate prescriptions that seniors recognized owing to impaired vision, difficulty reading, memory issues, and lack of knowledge [2].

Rizwana Shaikh proposed and explored cloud computing aspects in order to promote transparency and security using existing technologies [3]. The cloud storage of data for patient health record management systems is the focus of most discussions. Compared to test results and other treatment histories, personal information is more delicate and needs comprehensive protection in the healthcare sector[14].

It is possible to avoid prescribing the wrong medication for common diseases including fever, cough, cold, and physical discomfort by developing virtual applications for voice-based pharmaceutical prescription[11]. The many kinds of neural networks used for voice recognition were explored by Mr. Hardik Dhudrejia et al. in 2010. Image processing is a crucial aspect of our work[4].

[1] S. Yusuf Ilu, M. Begum Mustafa, S. Salwah Salim, M. Malekzadeh, and M. B. Mustafa, “Age-based factors in the interface design of CAPT systems for children Non-Functional Requirements Prioritization View project Age-based factors in the interface design of CAPT systems for children,” no. September, 2014, [Online]. Available: [2] N. Hnoohom, S. Yuenyong, and P. Chotivatunyu, “MEDiDEN: Automatic Medicine Identification Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network,” 2018 Int. Jt. Symp. Artif. Intell. Nat. Lang. Process. iSAI-NLP 2018 - Proc., pp. 0–4, 2018, doi: 10.1109/iSAINLP.2018.8692824. [3] R. Shaikh, “Blockchain Based Cloud Storage of Patients Health Records,” 2022 IEEE Delhi Sect. Conf. DELCON 2022, pp. 7–11, 2022, doi: 10.1109/DELCON54057.2022.9753574 [4] S. Deshmukh, P. Rede, S. Sharma, and S. Iyer, “Voice-Enabled Vision for the Visually Disabled,” 2021 7th IEEE Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Commun. Control. ICAC3 2021, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ICAC353642.2021.9697125.

Research Gap

Many Researches

Numerous studies have been conducted on face recognition, image recognition, and voice recognition for the identification of medicines. They employ a wide range of technologies. Research on blockchain-based security is also prevalent

Number of mobile applications

Currently, there are numerous mobile applications available, like Doc990 and e-channeling. However, patients are not using them due to several use-related issues, and they are also not well-informed about the use and the benefits of using them

Results / Findings

In several studies, all of the results were obtained within certain constraints. Most of them achieve an accuracy level of 70% to 80% in image, facial, and voice recognition. Due to their limited datasets and insufficient available dataset, they cannot produce an accurate, conclusive outcome

Features for health application

These image, face, speech, and secure database recognition features cannot all be found within one smartphone application for health sector. These technologies and tools are used in various studies, however, the capabilities of current applications are limited

Research Problems

Unclear of medicines and handwritten prescriptions

In Sri Lanka, prescriptions written by doctors are typically used. Patients, however, are unable to correctly identify the medications due to the many and distinctive handwriting styles. It is also challenging to identify drugs because of different medical abbreviations

User details are not secure

Concerns regarding the application's security are prevalent among the general public. People are hesitant to enter their personal information since they are unsure because of the fact that applications ask for personal information

Interfaces are not user friendly with elder peoples

Mobile applications are not very familiar to the elderly. Always seeking simplicity and ease in all tasks, they do. However, all of the current programs have complicated user interfaces that an elderly person would find challenging to understand

Lack of knowledge in medicines

People are not well informed about all the different sorts of medications that are accessible at pharmacies or medications that doctors prescribe. Patients encounter numerous problems as a result of a lack of medical education. Many people experience various diseases, and some people even pass away

Sub Objectives

Medicine Details

Mobile interfaces are user-friendly according to the elder and younger age groups

Flexible Interface

Patients can identify the prescribed medicines through image capturing and get relavant medicine details

Voice Recognition

Patients can use voice system to identify the medicines and get the medicine details

User Friendly

Application is developed in a user friendly manner so anyone can easily use it

Pharmacy Details

Pharmacy details are saved in the system by phamacists. So patueints can get to know about the pharmacies

Report Management

Patinets reports are managed by the doctors and all the details saved in the database




Rs0 / month

  • Handwritten prescription identification
  • Medicine box identification
  • Get medicine details
  • Blockchain based secure
  • Voice recognition for medicine identification
  • Divide the age groups of users by face recognition
  • Flexible user interfaces for elders


Rs150 / month

  • Handwritten prescription identification
  • Medicine box identification
  • Get medicine details
  • Blockchain based secure
  • Voice recognition for medicine identification
  • Divide the age groups of users by face recognition
  • Flexible user interfaces for elders

Our Technologies

research Project Milestones

  • A Project Proposal is presented to potential sponsors or clients to receive funding or get your project approved

    Mark Allocation : 6

  • Progress Presentation I reviews the 50% completetion status of the project. This reveals any gaps or inconsistencies in the design/requirements

    Mark Allocation : 15

  • Progress Presentation II reviews the 90% completetion status demonstration of the project. Along with a Poster presesntation which describes the project as a whole

    Mark Allocation : 18

  • Poster clearly display all the details of the resaerch paper in aatrrative manner

    Mark Allocation : 8

  • Final Report evalutes the completed project done throughout the year. Marks mentioned below includes marks for Individual & group reports and also Final report

    Mark Allocation : 20


Presentations (Slides)


Mr. Thusithanjana Thilakarthna


Mr. Didula Chamara


Dimusha Perera

Group Leader Software Engineering

Navodya Jayasinghe

Group Member Software Engineering

Tanya Gangegedara

Group Member Software Engineering

Anuradha Bandara

Group Member Software Engineering


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